Affiliation: Department of Economics and Finance (DEF) - University of Tor Vergata
Other Affiliation: ***
Address: via Columbia n. 2, 00133 Roma
Telephone: +39 06 7259 5731
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Research Interests: Macroeconomics, Health Economics, Economic Development
I am Assistant Professor at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Faculty of Economics. I previously taught as adjunct professor of International Macro at LUMSA and was researcher at the CEIS. Following my laurea in Economics at LUISS, I gained a MSc in Development Economics and a PhD in Economics from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. My research interests focus on health (pharmaceutial market), economic development (growth, transition) and more recently on the analysis of the Italian economy.
- “When Elders rule: is Gerontocracy harmful for Growth?”, with V. Atella, February 2013, CEIS Research Paper n. 263, submitted.
- “Public Sector’s Productivity and Macroeconomic Performance: The case of the Italian Public Administration Reform”, with E. Felli, M. Gerli and G. Tria, The International Journal of Public Policy, forthcoming.
- “Pharmaceutical Price Controls and Minimum Efficacy Regulation. Evidence from the United States and Italy”, with V. Atella and J. Bhattacharya, Health Service Research (Theme Issue: Global Health Systems), December 2011 [WP version: NBER Working Paper n. 14567].
- “Public sector productivity and growth: the case of Italy”, with E. Felli, M. Gerli and G. Tria, in Giovannini, E. and G. Tria (eds.), Government Output and Productivity Measurement. Lessons from the International Experience, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, forthcoming.
- “Quasi-fixed inputs in the Italian manufacturing: the case of pharmaceutical industry”, Applied Econometrics, 2012 (1) [WP version: CEIS Research Paper n. 140].
Events & Presentations
- 2012: BMRC-QASS Conference, Brunel University of London
- 2011: IEA XVI World Congress, Tsinghua University of Beijing; LII Italian Economic Association (SIE) Annual Meeting, University of Rome III
Research Programs & Projects