Affiliation: Department of Management and Law (DMD) - University of Tor Vergata
Address: via Columbia n. 2, 00133 Roma
Telephone: +39 06 7259 5807 - Fax: +39 06 23310489
Web page: http://uniroma2.academia.edu/DenitaCepiku
Research Interests: networks, co-production, strategic management, quality management, federalism, reforms.
Denita Cepiku is aggregate professor of public management at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, where she teaches Strategic management in the Public Sector. She is also responsible for the Research Methods course of the doctoral programme in Public Management & Governance at the same University.
Her main research interests are in the areas of comparative public management reform and network management. Her publications have appeared in academic journals such as Public Management Review, Public Administration and Development, Public Money & Management, International Review of Administrative Sciences, International Journal of Public Administration, International Public Management Review, International Journal of Public Sector Management. She is member of the editorial committees of two academic journals: the International Journal on Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM) and of the Mecosan (Health Management & Economics, published by the University Bocconi under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Health).
She is board member (membership secretary) of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) and, since 2006, she co-chairs the “Local governance” panel. She has been the local chair of the 2012 conference in Rome.
She is chair of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Strategic interest group on Public Management and member of the EGPA Steering Committee of the PhD & PA education platform.
She has participated and coordinated international cooperation projects in the public management area for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Swiss Development Cooperation, and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others.
Currently she is conducting an applied research project for The Peter Pribilla Foundation in Germany entitled "Visualizing User Innovation in Health Care" in partnership with Professors Katja Hutter (University of Innsbruck), Pedro Oliveira (University of Lisbon) and Sara Poggesi (University of Roma Tor Vergata). The project will attempt to identify user innovators among patients of chronic and rare diseases in Germany, medically validate those innovations and promote them among other patients.
Denita holds a PhD in Public Management and Governance and a M.Phil. in Public Management.
- Cepiku D., Jesuit D.K., Roberge I., eds, (2013). Making Multilevel Public Management Work: Stories of Success and Failure from Europe and North America. CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN: 978-1-46-651380-8.
- Cepiku D. (2013), “Unraveling the Concept of Public Governance: A Literature Review of Different Traditions”, in Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna, Fabio Monteduro (ed.) Conceptualizing and Researching Governance in Public and Non-Profit Organizations. Studies
- Cepiku D., Giordano F. (2013). "Co-production in developing countries. Insights from the Community Health Workers experiences". Public Management Review.
- Cepiku D., Bonomi Savignon A. (2012), “Governing cutback management: is there a global strategy for Public Administrations?”, in International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM), Vol. 25, Issue 6-7.
- Cepiku D. (2011), “Two ships passing in the night? Practice and academia in public management”, in Public Money & Management, Vol. 31 Issue. 2, pp. 131-138.
Events & Presentations
- "Collaborative governance". Fundação Getulio Vargas. Rio de Janeiro. 19 September 2013.
- “Open Innovation”. OECD-Forum: “Innovationen im Public Sector”. Effizienter Staat 2013. Berlino, 15 maggio 2013.
- “Ricerca scientifica e cambiamento sociale”. Social Changers: testimonianze ad alto impatto. Sif Chair of Social Entrepreneurship – Università Bocconi. Milano, 18 aprile 2013.
- “Approaches and methods for analysing innovation case studies”. 1st meeting of the Associate group Observatory of Public Sector Innovation. OECD, Paris. 18 marzo 2013.
- Politiche e programmi europei a favore della scienza, della ricerca e dell’università: giovani ricercatori a confronto. MEETmeTONIGHT. LA NOTTE DEI RICERCATORI. Provincia di Milano. Milano, Palazzo Isimbardi. 29 settembre 2012.
Research Programs & Projects
- Peter-Pribilla Foundation – Leipzig University, Germany
"Visualizing User Innovation in Health Care".
Partner: University of Rome Tor Vergata, Cittadinanzattiva, Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics, University of Innsbruck.
Sito web del progetto: https://qgen.rz.hyve.de/output/p_422/p1.php - Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
Valutazione ex post di una ricerca triennale dal titolo “Assessing the Belgian mandate system from an international comparative perspective”. - Comune di Roma
Analisi organizzativa del Dipartimento Politiche Sociali e proposta di meccanismi di coordinamento e integrazione. - Ministero della Salute, Governo Italiano
Mobilità sanitaria internazionale e sua regolazione economica alla luce della normativa europea - Consiglio Regionale del Lazio - CREL (Economia e lavoro)
Il ruolo della Regione per il miglioramento della qualità dei servizi pubblici e per la semplificazione della normativa e delle procedure amministrative: welfare locale e sviluppo economico. - Dipartimento della Funzione pubblica
La valutazione della soddisfazione degli utenti dei servizi pubblici” nell’ambito del progetto PON “Rafforzamento della capacità amministrativa per un’amministrazione di qualità - Dipartimento per gli Affari Regionali – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Studio di fattibilità in materia di attuazione dell’autonomia differenziata in applicazione dell’art.116 della Costituzione - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
“Albania: Regulatory Impact Analysis on the draft Law on Corporate and Municipal Bonds”. Relazione tecnica al Parlamento Albanese di accompagnamento della proposta di legge sulle emmissioni obbligazionarie degli enti locali - Federazione italiana aziende sanitarie ed ospedaliere (FIASO)
“Analisi comparativa delle esperienze di aggregazione della domanda” - Swiss Development Cooperation - University of Berne
“Decentralization and Local Development Programme: Accompanied self-assessment of Albanian Local Governments, based on the CAF-methodology". - Formez - Centro Formazione e Studi
“La Rendicontazione ed il Controllo Strategico: Nuove Frontiere di Democrazia ed Efficienza per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni” - MIUR
Programma di ricerca di interesse nazionale (PRIN): “Governance e performance di network di imprese ed organizzazioni pubbliche e non profit nei settori cultura e multimediale”