MASSA Fabiola


Affiliation: University of Rome Tor Vergata

Address: via Columbia n. 2, 00133 Roma

Telephone: +39 06 7259 5831

Fax: +39 06 9332932

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Research Interests: Intellectual property rights, trade secret, biotechnology and pharmaceutical inventions, information technology, property, commercial practices, unfair competition.


Fabiola Massa is Assistant Professor at “Tor Vergata” University, Department of Management and Law, where she teaches in the area of intellectual property and innovation, with particularly attention to biotech and pharmaceutical topics.
Dr. Massa is member of the Patent Advisory Committee of her University. She was the lead author of the Academic Inventions Guidelines for “Tor Vergata” University.
She’s one of the Scientific Committee members of the review “Nuovo diritto civile”. She has taken part, for seven years, as editorial staff, to the works of “Treccani Legal Encyclopedia”, for which she wrote and published the pages on Biotechnology Inventions, Plant Varieties, Industrial Design and Unfair business-to-consumer Commercial Practices.
Dr. Massa served as Master teacher on IPRs at several courses present in her university and in other institutions. Her studies has been published in law journals and books dedicated to the topic of IPRs.


  • Considerazioni dall’angolo visuale dei diritti di proprietà industriale sulla cisgenesi e sul genome editing applicati agli organismi vegetali, in Diritto agroalimentare, 2016, n. 2, pp. 293- 313;
  • Introduzione di drag-along e consenso del socio forzabile, in Il corriere del merito, No. 7, 2011, pp. 692-698;
  • Ritrovati vegetali, in Enciclopedia giuridica Treccani, XXVII, Roma, 2002;
  • La nozione di invenzione brevettabile, in Trattario di diritto civile (a cura di Paolo Cendon), Milano, 2017, pp. 1-10;
  • Comment to Art. 10 Directive No. 2014/17/UE, in I mutui ipotecari nel diritto comparato ed europeo. Commentario alla direttiva 2014/17/UE, (a cura di Pietro Sirena), Milano, 2016, pp. 247-251;

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Events & Presentations

  • 2016 - Member of technical panel nominated by a Honourable Member of the Italian Parliament with the scope to write a proposal law concerning the reform of professor’s privilege for academic inventions;
  • July 2016 - Consulted by the Agricultural Commission of Italian Senate, as expert of patentability of new technics called cisgenesis and genome editing, where she gave a technical opinion.


Research Programs & Projects

  • Since March 1st, 2018 Dr. Massa is Principal Investigator of the Research Project “SustainCO -Sustainability measures at Company level: a national survey for better implementation” financed by “Tor Vergata” University with a duration of 18 months.