
Affiliation: University of Tor Vergata, Department of Economics and Finance

Address: via Columbia n. 2, 00133 Roma

Web page: https://economia.uniroma2.it/def/faculty/563/farcomeni-alessio

Research Interests: Latent Markov models, cluster analysis, population size estimation, robust statistics. Material deprivation, food insecurity, migration routes and minorities, drug abuse, human development.



Alessio Farcomeni is full professor of Statistics. His research activity has been devoted to statistical methodology and to statistical consulting for econometric, biomedical and environmental applications. He has published more than 250 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, two books, and several software packages. With more than 6500 citations and H-index 42 (as of October 2020), he is listed as one of the top Italian scientists by Via-academy (full list at http://www.topitalianscientists.org)

Methodological papers have been published among others in Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrika, Annals of Applied Statistics, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Biometrics, Journal of Statistical Software.

Applied works have been published mostly after collaboration and consulting with distinguished scholars in the fields of economics, medicine, genetics, biology, ecology, engineering. Among others, such works have been published in Science Advances, Journal of Econometrics, Gastroenterology, Journal of The American College of Cardiology, Cell Reports, Scientific Reports, Environmental Microbiology, Biodiversity and conservation, Journal for Nature Conservation.

He is currently co-editor of Statistical Methods & Applications, AE for Statistics & Probability Letters and International Journal of Biostatistics.


  • Dotto, F., Farcomeni, A., Pittau, M. G. and Zelli, R. (2019) A dynamic inhomogeneous latent state model for measuring material deprivation, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A), 182, 495-516
  • Cerioli, A., Farcomeni, A. and Riani, M. (2019) Wild adaptive trimming for robust estimation and cluster analysis, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 46, 235-256
  • Anderson, G.; Farcomeni, A.; Pittau, M. G. and Zelli, R. (2016) A new approach to measuring and studying the characteristics of class membership: Examining poverty, inequality and polarization in urban China, Journal of Econometrics, 191, 348-359
  • Farcomeni, A. and Scacciatelli, D. (2013) Heterogeneity and behavioural response in continuous time capture-recapture, with application to street cannabis use in Italy, Annals of Applied Statistics, 7, 2293-2314
  • Francesco Bartolucci and Alessio Farcomeni (2009) A multivariate extension of the dynamic logit model for longitudinal data based on a latent Markov heterogeneity structure, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104, 816-831

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