
Affiliation: Department of Management and Law (DMD) University of Rome Tor Vergata

Address: via Columbia n. 2, 00133 Roma

Telephone: +39 3498367116

Research Interests: Sustainable Development; Shared Value; Social Reporting; Responsible Consumption and Production; Third Mission; System Thinking / System Dynamics models



Professor second level (Sector 13/ B1-Business Administration; SECS P/07) of “CSR and social reporting”; “Economy and Sustainability of public administrations”; "System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation for Intelligent Organizations".
Coordinator of MARIS - Master (II Level) in Reporting Innovation Sustainability at the Department of Management and Law, School of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Doctor of Philosophy in “Public Management and Governance”.


  1. Fiorani G., Jannelli R., Meneguzzo M. (2012), Csr 2.0 Proattiva e Sostenibile tra Mercati Globali e Gestione della Crisi, Egea, Milano, Pp. 1-403, Isbn 978-88-238-4350-9.
  2. Fiorani G. (2010), System Thinking, System Dynamics e Politiche Pubbliche, Egea, Milano, Pp. 0-281, Isbn 978-88-238-4261-8.
  3. Frey M., Meneguzzo M., Fiorani G., (2010). La Sanita Come Volano Dello Sviluppo Economico. Pp. 1-417, Pisa:Edizioni Ets, Isbn: 978-884672636-0.
  4. Litardi I., Fiorani G., Alimonti D., Appolloni A. (2019), Green Public Procurement as a Leverage for Sustainable Development: Documental Analysis of the 80 Practices in European Union, in Shakya R.K., Green Public Procurement Strategies for Environmental Sustainability, Edited By Igi Global, Pp. 59-78, Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7083-7, Isbn13: 9781522570837, Isbn-10: 1522570837, Eisbn13: 9781522570844
  5. Meneguzzo M., Fiorani G., Frondizi R. (2018), “Performance Management and Evaluation of Large-Scale Events in a Multistakeholder Engagement Perspective: the Case of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy”, In Borgonovi E., Anessi Pessina E., Bianchi C. (Eds.), Outcome-Based Performance Management In The Public Sector, Springer International Publishing, Berlin, Isbn 978-3-319-57017-4, Doi 10.1007/978-3-319-57018-1_18, Pp.349-370.

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Events & Presentations

  • Salone CSR e Innovazione Sociale (Roma) 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021
  • Dialogo Euro Mediterraneo sul Management Pubblico (MED 7) 2014.
  • XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management - IRSPM 2012
  • IV Workshop Nazionale di “Azienda Pubblica” (2010)
    (EURAM) 2010