Affiliation: Department of Management and Law (DMD) University of Rome Tor Vergata
Address: via Columbia n. 2, 00133 Roma
Telephone: +39 3498367116
Research Interests: Sustainable Development; Shared Value; Social Reporting; Responsible Consumption and Production; Third Mission; System Thinking / System Dynamics models
Professor second level (Sector 13/ B1-Business Administration; SECS P/07) of “CSR and social reporting”; “Economy and Sustainability of public administrations”; "System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation for Intelligent Organizations".
Coordinator of MARIS - Master (II Level) in Reporting Innovation Sustainability at the Department of Management and Law, School of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Doctor of Philosophy in “Public Management and Governance”.
- Fiorani G., Jannelli R., Meneguzzo M. (2012), Csr 2.0 Proattiva e Sostenibile tra Mercati Globali e Gestione della Crisi, Egea, Milano, Pp. 1-403, Isbn 978-88-238-4350-9.
- Fiorani G. (2010), System Thinking, System Dynamics e Politiche Pubbliche, Egea, Milano, Pp. 0-281, Isbn 978-88-238-4261-8.
- Frey M., Meneguzzo M., Fiorani G., (2010). La Sanita Come Volano Dello Sviluppo Economico. Pp. 1-417, Pisa:Edizioni Ets, Isbn: 978-884672636-0.
- Litardi I., Fiorani G., Alimonti D., Appolloni A. (2019), Green Public Procurement as a Leverage for Sustainable Development: Documental Analysis of the 80 Practices in European Union, in Shakya R.K., Green Public Procurement Strategies for Environmental Sustainability, Edited By Igi Global, Pp. 59-78, Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7083-7, Isbn13: 9781522570837, Isbn-10: 1522570837, Eisbn13: 9781522570844
- Meneguzzo M., Fiorani G., Frondizi R. (2018), “Performance Management and Evaluation of Large-Scale Events in a Multistakeholder Engagement Perspective: the Case of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy”, In Borgonovi E., Anessi Pessina E., Bianchi C. (Eds.), Outcome-Based Performance Management In The Public Sector, Springer International Publishing, Berlin, Isbn 978-3-319-57017-4, Doi 10.1007/978-3-319-57018-1_18, Pp.349-370.
Events & Presentations
- Salone CSR e Innovazione Sociale (Roma) 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021
- Dialogo Euro Mediterraneo sul Management Pubblico (MED 7) 2014.
- XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management - IRSPM 2012
- IV Workshop Nazionale di “Azienda Pubblica” (2010)
(EURAM) 2010