EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Network - Funding Awarded to Project on Sustainable Public Procurement


The Project SAPIENS - Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems - has been awarded a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (ITN) grant of €3.9 million by the European Research Agency (European Commission).

The SAPIENS combines 10 international Universities from eight countries, and non-academic partners in seven countries. At the heart of the project are 15 Ph.D. positions on various multidisciplinary aspects of Sustainable Public Procurement linked to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The 15 Ph.D. students, one of which will be based in Rome under the supervision of Prof. Gustavo Piga and Prof. Andrea Appolloni, will attend a common training programme, participate in common public engagement, dissemination and impact activities, and benefit from a number of relevant placements in public institutions, think tanks, lobbyists, and international organisations.

The ESR will work within the School of Economics at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata” and will be enrolled in the Ph.D. in Management working on the research project ESR2 “Developing sustainable and procurement solutions at global level (bottom up approach)” (applications are closed)

The project will not only offer extraordinary global research and training opportunities to 15 Early Stage Researchers, but will also contribute to increasing the overall quality and innovation of doctoral training in Europe and beyond. The aim is to produce significant research results in law, economics, business studies and social science, make them openly available, facilitate the utilisation of that knowledge by policymakers, think tanks, business, and the legal and other professions, and to train a uniquely qualified cohort with professional prospects inside but also beyond academia.

The project will run from 2021 to 2025 and will be managed from the University of Turin, University of Birmingham, University of Copenhagen, Lodz University of Technology, Corvinus University of Budapest , Tor Vergata University of Rome, Hasselt University, University of Gävle, Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca, and the University of Greenwich. Moreover, 18 partners, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation, George Washington University, Federation of Small Businesses, Fair Trade Advocacy Group, Stichting Fair Trade Advocacy Office, Eating City, as well as national agencies, public purchasers and lobbyists are contributing to the training programme.

Call for Ph.D. position

H2020-MSCA-ITN project SAPIENS - ESR2

The Ph.D. in Management is offering a Ph.D. position funded by the EU under the H2020-MSCA-ITN project SAPIENS (Sustainability and Procurement in International, European and National Systems).

The selected candidate will work on the project ESR 2: Developing sustainable and procurement solutions at global level (bottom up approach) and will be supervised by Prof. Gustavo Piga and Prof. Andrea Appolloni - University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy.

For more information, see the Job offer description

How to apply

Applications start in March 3, 2021, and end in May 16, 2021 (before 12:00pm - Rome time)

1. Submit the “online application form”, together with the following required documents (each single file size should be less than 20 MB):

  • the “paper” application form, with signature in original (downloadable here)
  • a full CV (with the relevant details for checking the eligibility criteria)
  • a copy of Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree diploma with the transcript of records and final marks (if available, the diploma supplement)
  • a cover letter
  • a copy of the passport
  • two reference contacts
  • an abstract of the Master’s thesis
  • list of publications (only if available)
  • Motivation Letter. An account of the activities of significance to the vacancy (max 2 pages)
  • research project proposal, this should include the following:

(1) objective(s) of the research, (2) major research questions, (3) review of relevant literature, (4) methodology to be applied in the research. The project proposal must not exceed 3 standard pages, corresponding to approx. 6,000 characters

  • English certificate (if available)

2. After the online submission of the application form, the system will send an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail, indicating also the ID number of your application.

3. A commission will consider your academic curriculum and will decide whether you: (1) are short listed and therefore admitted to sit for an interview (2) are not admitted.

Visiting Researcher

The CEIS at the the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Early Stage Researcher Aura Iurascu as a Visiting Researcher for three months (March-May 2023). 

Professor Andrea Appolloni is in charge as co-supervisor of the project conducted by Early Stage Researcher Aura Iurascu at the Faculty of Law, University of Hasselt (Belgium), in addition to his appointment as a leading researcher within the SAPIENS Network. 

Aura’s research focuses on the legal aspects underpinning the use of Public procurement as leverage for the Circular Economy. This interdisciplinary visiting period will enrich her research and allow her to obtain an intersectoral view of the economic aspects linked to her project and use it as a complemented part of her Ph.D. Moreover, as she is conducting comparative legal research among different EU Member States, our University will provide her with the necessary tools to combine law and economics in Italy.

Academics, students, and practitioners are welcome to access the official website of SAPIENS Network to be informed about all publications, blogs, meetings, and conferences on sustainable public procurement.

The SAPIENS Network project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 95669.


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