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ODI on Ukraine
Ukraine exposes Europe's fractured narratives on refugees – but once again cities step up
National governments' responses to Ukrainian refugees are out-of-step with the general public's attitudes towards migration, but cities are leading the way.
With all eyes on Ukraine, is humanitarian support to the Horn of Africa crisis missing in action?
With media attention and humanitarian agencies focused on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the famine in the Horn of Africa is being overlooked. Resources must be redirected to where they are more urgently needed.
Drought and food security crisis in the Horn of Africa: HPG roundtable communiqué | 7 June 2022
Urgent messaging on the food security crisis in the Horn of Africa and the actions needed immediately to respond to this.
Managing humanitarian narratives in the Ukraine crisis response: virtual roundtable, 26 May 2022
Summary of a virtual roundtable on narratives within Ukraine.
Aid vs. solidarity: the role of humanitarian aid in national responses to Ukrainian refugees
This webinar explores the role of international humanitarian aid in supporting Ukrainian refugees, in a context where some European countries hosting them are providing generous and comprehensive assistance.
An opposition of values: Russian independent journalism after 24th February
Despite significant obstacles, journalists are exploring new ways to reach Russian audiences, innovating in their methods and messaging.
In Publications
Youth economic security, skills and empowerment in Jordan
In 2021 there were more than 25 million refugees globally, with Syrians accounting for around a quarter and more than half under the age of 18.
Abortion access and Colombia's legacy of civil war: between reproductive violence and reproductive governance
In 2022, Colombia decriminalised abortion, making it ostensibly a site of progressive abortion politics.
Inclusion and exclusion in displacement and peacebuilding responses in Mindanao, Philippines: falling through the cracks
The Philippines is among the countries most heavily affected by internal displacement.
Expert insights

Senior Research Fellow
Gencsu Ipek
Latest work
Colombia’s energy transition: 3 opportunities facing President Petro

Senior Research Fellow
Prizzon Annalisa
Latest work
What prospects for aid in 2022 (and beyond)?

Research Officer
Tindall Theo
Latest work
An opposition of values: Russian independent journalism after 24th February

Director of Programme, Principle Research Fellow
Willem te Velde Dirk
Latest work
Africa’s economic integration and prospects for UK investors
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