Sharing Risk Through Concession Contracts
Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio,
Ventura Marco,
CEIS Research Paper,
May 2010
Who is responsible for your health: You, your doctor or new technologies?
Atella Vincenzo,
D'Amico Francesco,
CEIS Research Paper,
May 2010
On the Causal Impact of Relational Goods on Happiness
Becchetti Leonardo,
Giachin Ricca Elena,
Pelloni Alessandra,
CEIS Research Paper,
December 2009
Aging, cognitive abilities and retirement in Europe
Mazzonna Fabrizio,
Peracchi Franco,
CEIS Research Paper,
December 2009
Testing for Common Autocorrelation in Data Rich Environments
Cubadda Gianluca,
Hecq Alain,
CEIS Research Paper,
December 2009
Regression with Imputed Covariates:a Generalized Missing Indicator Approach
Dardanoni Valentino,
Modica Salvatore,
Peracchi Franco,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2009
A bayesian estimation of a DSGE model with financial frictions
Merola Rossana,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2009
Gender and regional differences in self-rated health in Europe
Peracchi Franco,
Rossetti Claudio,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2009
Technical Efficiency, Specialization and Ownership Form: Evidences from a Pooling of Italian Hospitals
Daidone Silvio,
D'Amico Francesco,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2009
Credit rationing and credit view: empirical evidence from loan data
Becchetti Leonardo,
Garcia Maria Melody,
Trovato Giovanni,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2009
Estimating Income Poverty in the Presence of Missing Data and Measurement Error
Nicoletti Cheti,
Peracchi Franco,
Foliano Francesca,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2009
Income Distribution, Infant Mortality, and Health Care Expenditure
Tacke Tilman,
Waldmann Robert J.,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2009
Contracts as Threats: on a Rationale For Rewarding A while Hoping For B
Iossa Elisabetta,
Spagnolo Giancarlo,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2009
Testing for cointegration in high-dimensional systems
Breitung Jorg,
Cubadda Gianluca,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2009
How variable is labor input in the Italian manufacturing: the case of the pharmaceutical industry
Carbonari Lorenzo,
CEIS Research Paper,
June 2009
Is Fair Trade Honey Sweeter? An Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Affiliation on Productivity
Brunetti Marianna,
De Luca Roberta,
CEIS Research Paper,
June 2009
The Simple Micro-Economics of Public-Private Partnerships
Iossa Elisabetta,
Martimort David,
CEIS Research Paper,
February 2013
Pharmaceutical industry, drug quality and regulation. Evidence from US and Italy
Atella Vincenzo,
Carbonari Lorenzo,
Bhattacharya Jay,
CEIS Research Paper,
December 2008
Shipbuilding in Italy, 1861-1913:The Burden of The Evidence
Ciccarelli Carlo,
Fenoaltea Stefano,
CEIS Research Paper,
December 2008