Research Director: Prof. Marco Meneguzzo
The group of researchers involved in the Healthcare Management and Sustainability (HMS) research activity includes Denita Cepiku, Andrea Bonomi Savignon, Anna Conte, Antonella D’Adamo, Andrea D’Attis and Gloria Fiorani.
The goal of our research area is to produce authoritative, evidence-based studies to foster organizational performance and sustainability in the healthcare sector, and support policy decisions at the national and regional level. Our objective is advancing the understanding of policies and managerial tools and tasks in healthcare organizations, both at the macro and micro level, also by the means of research-driven education and training.
Our research areas encompass a broad range of key issues in the managerial dimension of healthcare systems. At the systemic level, we study the dynamics and feasibility of the transition to asymmetric federalism and issues revolving around regional mobility and cross-border healthcare; the impact of cutbacks and spending reviews on the healthcare system; innovation in healthcare.
At the regional level, our research focuses on procurement, healthcare and social assistance integration, network management and performance, social reporting, quality management, strategic management and change, HR policies and organization.
The most important research projects developed in the healthcare management area are:
- Visualizing user innovation in healthcare (2011-2013):
- Economic and organizational sustainability of public health systems during the international financial and economic crisis (2010)
- The impact of health systems on economic and social development (2009)
- The procurement process of healthcare organizations and the value chain (2008- 2009)
- Managerial training in the health system (2008)
Since 2008, we partnered with the regional government of Basilicata to produce a yearly Report on assessment and reorganization of the regional health system.
The research group has partnered and received financing from several bodies, including the Regional Department at the Presidency of the Council of Ministries, Ministry of Health, the Italian Regional Agency for Health Care Services, the National Institute of Health and a number of other private funding organizations and firms.
The group is part of the coordination and supervision activities for the “Management Research in Healthcare Organizations” track inside the EURAM (European Academy of Management):
Relevant research partnerships have been activated with :
- Catolica University Lisbon
- Innsbruck University
- Peter Pribilla Foundation – TUM Munich
- LUISS Business School
- USI Università della Svizzera Italiana – Lugano
- S. Anna Institute – Pisa
- the Italian Federation of Healthcare Organizations and Hospitals (FIASO)
- the Italian Association of Healthcare Economists (AIES)