The CEIS Research Papers Series collects research activities, both by researchers and affiliates of CEIS, and those distributed through the Social Science Research Network - SSRN. Over 8000 world-wide subscribers currently receive an alert every two weeks, which contains three new research papers. To receive this alert you may subscribe to SSRN, which started in February 2003.

ISSN 2610-931X [online]

Papers are available on SSRN and RePEc websites.

Welfare Options and Policy Integration

CEIS Report, 8, October 2010

The Adoption and Diffusion of GM Crops in USA: A Real Option Approach

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio, Savastano Sara,
CEIS Research Paper, 169, July 2010

The Market for Lawyers and the Quality of Legal Services

Iossa Elisabetta, Jullien Bruno,
CEIS Research Paper, 170, July 2010

Estimation of ordered response models with sample selection

De Luca Giuseppe, Perotti Valeria,
CEIS Research Paper, 168, June 2010

Optimal Farm Size under an Uncertain Land Market: the Case of Kyrgyz Republic

Savastano Sara, Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio,
CEIS Research Paper, 154, May 2010

Sticks and Carrots in Procurement

Bigoni Maria, Spagnolo Giancarlo, Valbonesi Paola,
CEIS Research Paper, 157, May 2010

Non-Exclusive Competition in the Market for Lemons

Attar Andrea, Mariotti Thomas, Salanié François,
CEIS Research Paper, 159, May 2010

Vertical bargaining and countervailing power

Iozzi Alberto, Valletti Tommaso M.,
CEIS Research Paper, 160, May 2010

Research standards for the Italian young academics: what has changed over the last thirty years?

Birolo Adriano, Rosselli Annalisa,
CEIS Research Paper, 161, May 2010

Do Better Paid Politicians Perform Better? Disentangling Incentives from Selection

Gagliarducci Stefano, Nannicini Tommaso,
CEIS Research Paper, 162, May 2010

Risk Management and Regulation Compliance with Tradable Permits under Dynamic Uncertainty

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio, Knudsen Odin K.,
CEIS Research Paper, 163, May 2010

The Height Production Function from Birth to Early Adulthood

De Cao Elisabetta,
CEIS Research Paper, 165, May 2010

Sharing Risk Through Concession Contracts

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio, Ventura Marco,
CEIS Research Paper, 166, May 2010

Who is responsible for your health: You, your doctor or new technologies?

Atella Vincenzo, D'Amico Francesco,
CEIS Research Paper, 167, May 2010

On the Causal Impact of Relational Goods on Happiness

Becchetti Leonardo, Giachin Ricca Elena, Pelloni Alessandra,
CEIS Research Paper, 151, December 2009

Aging, cognitive abilities and retirement in Europe

Mazzonna Fabrizio, Peracchi Franco,
CEIS Research Paper, 152, December 2009