The CEIS Research Papers Series collects research activities, both by researchers and affiliates of CEIS, and those distributed through the Social Science Research Network - SSRN. Over 8000 world-wide subscribers currently receive an alert every two weeks, which contains three new research papers. To receive this alert you may subscribe to SSRN, which started in February 2003.

ISSN 2610-931X [online]

Papers are available on SSRN and RePEc websites.

Ideology in times of crisis. A principal component analysis of votes in the European Parliament, 2004-2019

Cheysson Anatole, Fraccaroli Nicolò ,
CEIS Research Paper, 461, June 2019

Competing Mechanisms and Folk Theorems: Two Examples

Attar Andrea, Campioni Eloisa, Mariotti Thomas, Piaser Gwenael,
CEIS Research Paper, 460, June 2019

Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Panel Data Models with Spatial Inefficiency

Belotti Federico, Ilardi Giuseppe, Piano Mortari Andrea,
CEIS Research Paper, 459, May 2019

Hurricanes, Climate Change Policies and Electoral Accountability

Gagliarducci Stefano, Paserman M. Daniele, Patacchini Eleonora,
CEIS Research Paper, 458, May 2019

Demography and Productivity in the Italian Manufacturing Industry: Yesterday and Today

Ciccarelli Carlo, Gomellini Matteo, Sestito Paolo,
CEIS Research Paper, 457, May 2019

Real Effective Exchange Rates Determinants and Growth: Lessons from Italian Regions

Calò Silvia, Comunale Mariarosaria,
CEIS Research Paper, 456, March 2019

Sovereign Spread Volatility and Banking Sector

Sharma Vivek, Silgado Gómez Edgar,
CEIS Research Paper, 454, March 2019

The Societal Benefits of Money and Interest Bearing Debt

Araujo Luis, Ferraris Leo,
CEIS Research Paper, 453, February 2019

A Horse Race in High Dimensional Space

Andreini Paolo, Ceci Donato,
CEIS Research Paper, 452, February 2019

Robust Tests for Convergence Clubs

Corrado Luisa, Stengos Thanasis, Weeks Melvyn, Yazgan M. Ege,
CEIS Research Paper, 451, February 2019

Forecasting Volatility with Time-Varying Leverage and Volatility of Volatility Effects

Catania Leopoldo, Proietti Tommaso ,
CEIS Research Paper, 450, February 2019

The Financial Decisions of Immigrant and Native Households: Evidence from Italy

Bertocchi Graziella, Brunetti Marianna, Zaiceva Anzelika,
CEIS Research Paper, 449, May 2020

How to Set Budget Caps for Competitive Grants

De Chiara Alessandro, Iossa Elisabetta,
CEIS Research Paper, 448, January 2019

A Behavioral Model of the Credit Cycle

Annicchiarico Barbara, Surricchio Silvia, Waldmann Robert J.,
CEIS Research Paper, 446, October 2018

Forecasting Realized Volatility Measures with Multivariate and Univariate Models: The Case of The US Banking Sector

Cubadda Gianluca, Hecq Alain, Riccardo Antonio,
CEIS Research Paper, 445, October 2018

Wavelet Analysis for Temporal Disaggregation

Perricone Chiara,
CEIS Research Paper, 444, October 2018

Ambiguous economic news and heterogeneity: What explains asymmetric consumption responses?

Corrado Luisa, Silgado - Gómez Edgar, Yoo Donghoon, Waldmann Robert J.,
CEIS Research Paper, 443, September 2019

New Technologies and Costs

Atella Vincenzo, Kopinska Joanna,
CEIS Research Paper, 442, August 2018